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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Become Beautiful Inside and Outside for Men and Women

Everyone want to have a good looks. This is a guide on how to be beautiful for the women and handsome for the men based on standard view of modern society today. Get a new looks and gain that power to change yourself. Be a better person than you are before.......

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How They Become Young Again

A study in animal kingdom on how they slow down aging. Can we be like them?

Naturally, every day that passes show increasing age of human being. Whitening hair, wrinkling skin and bones that getting more porous shows that the human is getting older. Death getting nearer but many people are denying the fact and try many ways to continue being young and healthy. Well, the animals can do it. Did you know that there are many species of animals that young again after years of living in the world.? Here are some examples:

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Sharks have very sharp, frightening teeth. There is another advantage of the shark teeth. Sharks teeth grow and change throughout their life. This means that human who have teeth like sharks do not have to wear incisor during their lifetime.Image Credits
Most snake species shed their skin four to eight times a year. The reasons they shed their skin is to grow bigger and to remove the skin that hosting to the parasites. If people can shed the skin like snakes, they will always look young because the skin is taut and smooth.

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A worm that was cut into two can still survive. This is because some worms have the same set of organs in one body. If his body cut off and have at least one set of organs, it can still recover and become a new worm. If people have a cell and body such as worms, surely humans who lost their body part will have new clones of themselves.

Lizard will cut its own tail to mislead its predators. It is an effective self-defense mechanism. However, a new tail will grows and functions normally. If people are like lizards, people who lost limbs will grow back and can live like other people.

Monday, January 4, 2010

How to be Success in Dieting

Many people like to be healthy and fit. However some people do not have what it takes to be like one. This is due to their own habit and tendency. This article will suggest some of points that will make a diet to be successful.

Most people today have obesity problem. They have more weight than they should have. Therefore they take a diet plan to get an ideal weight. Some of them success but some will fail because of several reasons. This article will suggest the way to make people out there to be success in dieting and enjoy a healthy life....... Read More

How to be a Charming Person

How to change into a charming person in no time. Be the person that other people always dream.

Almost everyone in the world want to be noticed by others. This is one need that human want to accomplish in order to get a fulfilling life. When they start to be noticed, they will begin to react in positive way. The motivation can make them go further in life, achieving something that once thought to be impossible. One of the way to get notice is to be charming. Now, what can you do to be charming in no time........ Read More

Eight Steps How to be Gorgeous

Tips on how to be a gorgeous man-woman. Let us be the best as we can.

Have you ever look at someone and feel some exceptional feeling about him/her that makes you look twice. Sometimes just by looking you want to be like a part of that person, maybe friend or even his/her lover. This hot feeling just rush up to your central nerves that you cannot even control it.

So what is happening. There are something about him/her that make that person special. Is it prettiness or is it something else?

You can be just as gorgeous as that person .... Read More

Preventing From Cellulite in Five Easy Ways

Simple tips to prevent cellulite from happening as a nightmare to the real, living human being.

The term cellulite according to Merriam-Webster dictionary refers to deposits of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue (as in the thighs, hips, and buttocks) that give a puckered and dimpled appearance to the skin surface. Cellulite is a nightmare to many people, especially ladies, therefore it is better to become aware of what we can do to prevent it.

Avoid stress

Cellulite is mainly caused by toxin build-up in human body. Stress may contribute to general or specific disorders of body and mind such as physical functioning of the human body. Such stress puts more physical stress on bodily organs that will block the detoxifying gland in the body. Being not able to get rid of the toxins can cause cellulite as a long term result.

Keep exercising

Exercise stimulates blood circulation, improving the metabolism and firming the muscles. Such healthy habit if practiced with a smile can be the perfect solution for fighting cellulite.

Stop smoking

The product of smoking is carbon monoxide. This gas impairs the ability of blood capillary vessel to transport oxygen. Being de-oxygenated, the skin become weak and start to dimple.

Drink natural water

Drink a least 8 glass a day or 1 liter of clear, natural water to improvise the detoxification process in the body.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine and spicy food

Alcohol, caffeine and spicy food produce toxins. These toxins accumulate at the fat gland thus “creating” the cellulite.

How to have beautiful, sparkling eyes ..

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. However eyes also one of human’s beauty. Tips on how to have sparkling eyes….

How To Remove Bruise At The Most Obvious Place, The Eyes?

Sometimes, bruise can be seemed at the most obvious place, which is the eyes. This maybe as a result of not having enough sleep, too tired etc.

Bruise around the eyes can be removed by just rinse it with lemon juice or just put recently used tea sachets around the eyes.

How To Have Fresh Looking,

Sparkling Eyes

Cut cucumber into slices. Close you eyes and put the slices on your eyes and leave it for several minutes. You’ll feel the freshness after that.

How To Give The Eyes Their Special Food?

Drink milk daily, it have complete nutrients for the development of human body.

Vegetables such as broccoli or carrot contain vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Some fruits such as grape and apricot also have the same benefits.

How To Exercise Your Eyes

Eyes like other parts of the body need exercise too, but how? Move your eyeballs around in clockwise turn or anti clockwise turn. You’ll feel more energetic eyes from this practice.

I Love My Eyes. What Can I Do for Them?

Give your eyes some massage. Close your eyes. Put your palms on your eyes and gently rub it around and around.

Open your eyes. Put your finger around your eye brows and gently rub it. Do the same around your eyes.

Hope for the best.