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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How They Become Young Again

A study in animal kingdom on how they slow down aging. Can we be like them?

Naturally, every day that passes show increasing age of human being. Whitening hair, wrinkling skin and bones that getting more porous shows that the human is getting older. Death getting nearer but many people are denying the fact and try many ways to continue being young and healthy. Well, the animals can do it. Did you know that there are many species of animals that young again after years of living in the world.? Here are some examples:

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Sharks have very sharp, frightening teeth. There is another advantage of the shark teeth. Sharks teeth grow and change throughout their life. This means that human who have teeth like sharks do not have to wear incisor during their lifetime.Image Credits
Most snake species shed their skin four to eight times a year. The reasons they shed their skin is to grow bigger and to remove the skin that hosting to the parasites. If people can shed the skin like snakes, they will always look young because the skin is taut and smooth.

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A worm that was cut into two can still survive. This is because some worms have the same set of organs in one body. If his body cut off and have at least one set of organs, it can still recover and become a new worm. If people have a cell and body such as worms, surely humans who lost their body part will have new clones of themselves.

Lizard will cut its own tail to mislead its predators. It is an effective self-defense mechanism. However, a new tail will grows and functions normally. If people are like lizards, people who lost limbs will grow back and can live like other people.

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